Marketing efforts trend upward when business activity levels slow down in any trade. Everyone wants to stand out and make themselves or their product known. With platforms like Instagram and Tik Tok, people are leaning on social media to market themselves and their products.

Social media marketing isn’t just posting random photos or videos and hoping they’ll help bring in business; there’s a whole strategy behind it that has made social media marketing what it is today. Look at some of the most popular brands on Instagram, such as National Geographic and Nike. While their pages may not necessarily fit the aesthetic that comes to mind when we think of social media, each photo they post is there for a reason and fulfills a strategy.

Depending on the goals you have for social media, your strategy is going to change. One of the great things about marketing through social media is that it provides real-time metrics and insights into your audience. This information allows for tweaking and shifting your strategy to achieve your goals better. Social media strategies are crucial for creating a post plan and establishing guidelines for reaching your goals.
There are endless ways to use social media to your advantage; whether to increase brand awareness or to sell products, you can create a strategy to achieve your goal. If you need help getting started, there are tons of online resources to help guide you in the right direction. We’ve linked a few strategy templates below!

Chris Boutté at Zapier outlines six key steps together with a free template on how to design a social media strategy.

The ‘Creating a 30-day Social Media Plan‘ via SproutSocial is built around three key points:

  • Setting realistic social marketing goals to align with your overall business goals
  • Determining how you will measure the success of your social marketing efforts
  • Integrating emerging trends and best practices into your strategy and content development

Hubspot also provides a fantastic framework to help you outline your strategy and presents real-world examples.



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