In any industry, figuring out what sets you apart from others can help you and your business stand out from the crowd. Doing something you enjoy while also helping you stand out is essential in marketing yourself. You want your niche to be something you enjoy doing, whether it’s focusing on commercial real estate, out-of-state buyers, or working with investors, the more you can set yourself apart from others.

If you’re starting out, it’s best to try a little of everything before deciding what you want to specialize in. As Reddit user Velocifox Digital puts it, “You never knew what flavor of ice cream was your favorite until you had been to 31 Flavors enough to taste them all. Don’t limit yourself to a specific sector of real estate until you’ve “tasted” them all!”. While you may have an idea of what you want to focus on, you never truly know if you enjoy it unless you have first-hand experience. Reaching out to other agents from your brokerage or team and asking to shadow them is a great way to experience different types of transactions.

Once you have decided on a niche, it opens a world of opportunity when it comes time to advertise yourself and your business. You can start marketing to people and areas that might be interested in that specific area of real estate. For example, if want to focus on out-of-state buyers, you might begin advertising yourself in areas that they’re coming from, such as California. Pioneer Title can help advise and/or assist with a variety of marketing materials, such as farming lists, or by helping you create mailers informing potential clients about you and your services within you niche. For more information, contact your local business development representative. •

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