Company Directory

Jessica Zabriskie
Administrative Assistant
(208) 373-3668
Rodney Parker
Vice President & State Title Advisory Officer
Lori Furstenberg
Title Officer
(541) 208-5948
Jeremy Parker
Vice President & Senior Title Examiner
(541) 208-5941
Robert Parker
Title Examiner
(541) 208-5945
Christie Nelson
Title Orders - Consumer Info - Court Records
(541) 208-5949
Genna M. Banica
Escrow Manager & Senior Escrow Officer
(541) 208-5942
Emily McCune
Escrow Collections Manager
(541) 208-5947
Trina Wicklander
Escrow Officer
(541) 208-5943
Heather Shuman
Escrow Assistant
(541) 208-5944
Halee Dirkes
Escrow Manager
(541) 208-5966
Reilly Mason
Escrow Officer
(541) 208-5967
Kathryn "Kitty" Goodwin, LPO
Vice President & Manager
(208) 997-4850
Heidi Smith
Vice President & County Manager
(208) 664-8254
Mike Ranieri
Senior Vice President & County Manager
(208) 373-3604
Tim Bundgard
(208) 373-3601
Mike Goddard
Senior Vice President & County Manager
(208) 455-7301
Bertha Stafford
Vice President & County Manager
(208) 542-0040
Brock Condie
Vice President & County Manager
(208) 233-9595
Kathryn "Kitty" Goodwin, LPO
Vice President & Manager
(509) 281-7202
Aaron Rue
(208) 373-3765
Adam Benscoter
Escrow Assistant
(208) 373-3642
Adriana Lopez
Jr. Escrow Officer
(208) 726-6954
Alana Pierce
Branch Manager & Escrow Officer
(208) 898-3999
Alex Esmerian
Business Development & Growth Strategist
(208) 559-5544
Alicia Crozier
Policy Production Typist
(509) 281-7206
Alison Findling
Manager and Trustee Officer
(208) 373-3655
Allissa Edwards
Accommodator / Office Manager
(208) 373-3751
Alye Seigler
Accounting Manager
(208) 373-3785
Alyssa "AJ" Jeske
Marketing & Communications Associate
(208) 373-3637
Amanda Kaetzel
Customer Service Rep.
(208) 373-3714
Amanda Zabriskie
Escrow Assistant
(208) 455-7314
Amber Randall
Escrow Manager
(208) 809-2576
Amy Bowles
Escrow Officer
(208) 373-3664
Amy Elsey
Escrow Prepping Assistant
(208) 455-7309
Angie Jewell
Escrow Officer
(208) 997-4852
Angie Taylor
Accounting Supervisor
(208) 373-3767
Anita Landon
(208) 542-0040
Ann Kent
National Order Desk
(208) 373-3616
Anthony Stewart
Accounts Receivable & Collections Specialist
(208) 373-3763
April Ashby
Escrow Officer
(208) 938-7486
Apryl Burden
(208) 696-8582
Aubrey Rice
Long Term Escrow
(208) 373-3635
Cammy Baldwin
Sr. Escrow Officer
(208) 373-3620
Barbie Negri
Customer Service / Recording and Policy Assistant
(208) 455-7318
Beatriz Paldino
Jr. Escrow Officer
(208) 542-0040
Belle Madsen
Assistant Banking Coordinator
(208) 373-3735
Bethany Rankin
Escrow Officer
(208) 938-7481
Blanca Acosta
Escrow Officer
(208) 467-0137
Bobbie Crooks
(208) 373-3739
Branden Fuller
Title Assistant
(208) 373-3647
Brenda Daniel
Escrow Officer
(208) 373-3759
Brenda Fried-Chaffin
Escrow Assistant
(208) 233-9595
Brenda Fried-Chaffin
Escrow Officer
(208) 690-7115
Brett Gile
Title Manager
(208) 665-2224
Brie Edwards
Accounting Specialist
(208) 377-2700
Brittany MacDougall
Administrative Assistant
(509) 281-7209
Bryson Murray
Title Examiner
(541) 276-4431
C. Dean Shafer
Sr. Title Officer / State Title Advisor
(208) 467-0112
Cameron Oxnam
Escrow Officer
(208) 442-4801
Cami Chapman
(208) 373-3729
Cari Heck
Escrow Officer
(208) 467-0108
Carleen Acree
Escrow Officer
(208) 465-6655
Carrie Homburg
Escrow Manager
(208) 442-4807
Carrol Mann
Escrow Technician
(208) 233-9595
Carrol Mann
Escrow Assistant
(208) 690-7114
Cassidy Noordam
Escrow Officer
(208) 665-2216
Cassie Johnson
Escrow Officer
(208) 898-3966
Catherine Doyle
Administrative Assistant
(208) 377-2700
Cathy Cuadra
(208) 690-7113
Celeste Lish
Escrow Assistant
(541) 208-5968
Cherice Johnson
Long Term Escrow
(208) 373-3702
Chloe Salazar
Administrative Assistant
(208) 373-3649
Chris Gorton, LPO
Escrow Officer
(509) 281-7204
Chris Hawkins
Escrow Assistant
(208) 465-6655
Chris Planinshek
Escrow Assistant
(208) 467-0132
Christal Smith
Business Development Representative
(208) 807-1927
Christy Bessey
Escrow Assistant
(208) 664-8254
Cinda Pena
Escrow Manager
(208) 442-4805
Cindy Phillips
Escrow Officer
(208) 898-3967
Clay Smith
Jr. Title Officer
(208) 373-3607
Corinne Kinman
Escrow Officer
(208) 997-4854
Craig Bell
Title Officer
(208) 233-9595
Crystal Sandy
Escrow Officer
(208) 466-6100
Damien Stout
Title Officer
(208) 373-3791
Darrin Halliday
Darrin Halliday
North Idaho Marketing Director
(208) 691-4239
Dawn Lafrades
Escrow Prepping Assistant
(208) 888-7230
Dawn McCutchen
Title Officer
(208) 459-1651
Dayna DeVore
Business Development Representative
(208) 794-2735
Deborrah Duncan
Assistant Manager
(208) 373-3670
Debra Emery
Escrow Assistant
(208) 665-2205
Dena Redinger-Zueger
Jr. Escrow Officer
(208) 452-7500
Denice Thornton
Escrow Officer
(208) 938-7491
Dexter Jones
Receptionist / Administrative Assistant
(208) 997-4855
Diane Fry
Disbursement Coordinator, Ada County
(208) 373-3704
Dionne Tutogi
Escrow Officer
(208) 373-3636
Donna Kwiatek
Administrative Assistant
(509) 725-3161
Drea Moore
Escrow Assistant
(208) 377-2700
Edie Jones
Title Assistant
(208) 459-1651
Eduardo “Lalo” DeLaRiva
Disbursement Coordinator
(208) 373-3645
Eleanor Haldeman
Canyon County Marketing Director
(208) 949-0867
Elijah Hill
IT Help Desk Support
(208) 377-2700
Elizabeth Kummer
(208) 377-2700
Ellie Calvert
(208) 466-6100
Emilie McLaughlin
Title Officer
(208) 467-0109
Eric Plegge
Jr. Title Officer
(208) 455-7322
Erica Duenas
Receptionist / Customer Service
(208) 459-1651
Erika Tutogi
Title Assistant
(208) 373-3634
Gladys Clymens
(208) 466-6100
Greg Kester
Escrow Officer / Asst. Escrow Manager
(208) 373-3690
Gretchen Riley
Escrow Assistant
(208) 465-6655
Hannah Finch
Title Administrative Assistant
(208) 467-0140
Hannah Kik
Accounting Specialist
(208) 377-2700
Heather Underwood
Escrow Assistant
(208) 233-9595
Hope Hastriter
Canyon County Title Manager / Commercial Title Officer
(208) 455-7316
Ibi Alejandre
Disbursement Clerk
(208) 377-2700
Ingrid Guerrero
Business Development Representative
(208) 466-6100
Jack Owsley
Advisory Title Officer (Gem & Payette County Lead)
(208) 373-3621
Jaime Frank
Funding Lead
(208) 898-3968
Jake Tunison
Title Production Manager
(208) 941-2062
Jamie Pope
Escrow Assistant
(208) 542-0040
Janice Bowman
Escrow Assistant
(208) 467-0101
Janice Ross
Escrow Assistant
(208) 455-7315
Janie Reyes Rojas
Escrow Officer
(208) 442-4806
Jason Bride
Jr. Escrow Officer
(208) 898-3974
Jenna Ahearn
Escrow Officer
(208) 665-2208
Jennifer Jenkins
Business Development Representative
(208) 699-4597
Jeremy Mayer
Title Officer
(208) 997-4851
Jesse Hamilton
Senior Vice President & General Counsel
(208) 373-3733
Jessica Garcia
Escrow Assistant
(208) 542-0040
Jessica Hughes
Title Assistant
(208) 233-9595
Jill Nash
Escrow Assistant
(208) 452-7500
Jim Brooks
Systems Adminstrator
(208) 377-2700
Joe Dressler
Title Assistant
(208) 377-2700
John Doria
Director of Corporate Communications
(208) 373-3651
Jon Bussell
Business Development Representative
(208) 941-2786
Joni Harris
Title Officer
(208) 455-7302
Jonna Young
Jr. Escrow Officer
(208) 542-0040
Jordan Saengthip
Escrow Assistant
(208) 373-3727
Josh Huff
Business Development Representative
(208) 890-2113
Josh Stafford
Escrow Officer / Branch Manager
(208) 373-3706
Julie Wilson
Escrow Officer
(208) 664-8254
Kade Meyerhoeffer
Business Development Representative
(208) 377-2700
Kasie Perkins
Digital Imaging
(208) 373-3673
Katie Lien
Business Development Representative
(208) 659-9639
Katie Taylor
Escrow Assistant
(208) 455-7312
Katrina Bostic
Trust Officer
(208) 377-2700
Kauri Richards
Escrow Officer
(208) 467-0156
Kevin Reed
Business Development Representative
(208) 660-8235
Kim Divine
Escrow Manager
(208) 664-8254
Kim Geis
Escrow Officer
(208) 938-7488
Kim Gordon
Title Officer
(509) 281-7210
Kim Larson
Policy Production Assistant
(208) 455-7349
Krista Shockley
Receptionist / Customer Service
(208) 888-7230
Kristi Cox
Escrow Officer/Assistant
(208) 442-4808
Kristi Stapleton
Title Officer
(208) 373-3681
Kristin Orme
Title Officer
(208) 542-0040
Kristine Guyette
(208) 233-9595
Lanie Sagan
Title Officer
(208) 373-3615
Lauren Pena
Banking Coordinator and Assistant Accommodator
(208) 373-3740
Lauren VerHagen
Escrow Assistant
(208) 467-0131
Lela Brooks
Customer Service Rep
(208) 442-4813
Lenore Katri
Senior Escrow Officer
(208) 542-0040
Leslie Franks
Title Officer
(208) 455-7319
Lexy Cantu
Business Analyst
(208) 373-3628
Lindsey Robinson
Business Development Representative
(208) 403-4825
Lisa Mai
Escrow Assistant
(208) 938-7485
Lisa Perry
Accounting Specialist
(208) 373-3679
Liz Pike
Business Development Representative
(208) 921-7908
Lori Ann Fitzgerald
Customer Service / Canyon Courier Supervisor
(208) 467-0121
Lori Kortz
Title Officer
(208) 373-3671
Lori Stark
Long Term Escrow Manager
(208) 373-3722
Lori Stone
Escrow Officer
(208) 665-2230
Lori Walker
Title Officer
(208) 233-9595
Luke Schraer
(208) 407-6588
Maddie Huff
Business Development Representative
(775) 848-5705
Maggie Gallegos
(208) 726-6954
Mandy Elsts
Jr. Escrow Officer
(208) 809-2581
Mandy Hutton
Title Officer
(509) 281-7208
Maria Van Der Aa
Senior Escrow Officer
(208) 373-3697
Marie Hunter
Title Supervisor
(208) 233-9595
Marisela Pesina
Escrow Officer
(208) 455-7317
Marissa Condie
Jr. Escrow Officer
(208) 898-3979
Marissa Ferris
Jr. Escrow Assistant
(208) 365-5343
Mark Anderson
Commercial Advisory Title Officer
(208) 373-3666
Mark Johnston
Escrow Officer
(208) 442-6110
Matthew Treat
(208) 377-2700
Matthew Ward
(208) 465-6655
Megan Angiolini
Customer Service
(208) 459-1651
Megan King
Escrow Officer
(208) 442-4802
Megan Pereira
Title Assistant
(208) 373-3663
Melisa Evans
Payroll Data Specialist
(208) 377-2700
Melissa Enrico
Escrow Assistant
(208) 466-6100
Mica Bauman Rogers
Jr. Title Officer
(208) 373-3684
Michael Moore
Jr. Escrow Officer
(208) 888-7230
Michelle Cabbage
Senior Escrow Officer
(208) 938-7484
Michelle Gieseke
Director of Human Resources
(208) 373-3718
Michelle Jacobs
Escrow Assistant
(208) 467-0136
Miranda McKinlay
Title Manager
(208) 542-0040
Nancy Schinkel
Recorder / Policy Production
(208) 459-1651
Natalie Reyes
(208) 726-6954
Nick Ulmen
IT Systems Administrator
(208) 377-2700
Nicole Heinrich
Compliance & Training Officer
(208) 888-7230
Paige McAllister
Escrow Supervisor
(208) 726-6954
Palla Garringer
Escrow Officer
(208) 898-3970
Pamela Flores
Escrow Assistant
(208) 233-9595
Patricia Jensen
(208) 938-8075
RaeAnna Weese
Escrow Assistant / Recording
(541) 208-5946
Randy Christensen
Business Development Representative
(208) 542-0040
Rebecca Jones
Customer Service Rep.
(208) 373-3694
Rebecca Wilson
Title Assistant
(208) 665-2207
Rich Butler
Business Development Representative
(208) 870-1979
Rita Swank
(208) 233-9595
Rob Myklebust
Ada County Marketing Director
(208) 921-8390
Robyn Williams
Escrow Officer
(208) 373-3730
Rosalea Stephens
Title Assistant
(208) 455-7373
Rose Westman
Title Officer
(208) 664-8254
Ryan Williams
(208) 982-1201
Rylie Lowe
Receptionist / Escrow Assistant
(208) 997-4850
Sabrina McAdams
Escrow Assistant / Funding
(509) 281-7205
Sadie Page
Escrow Assistant
(208) 938-7492
Sam Skinner
Escrow Officer
(208) 373-3624
Sandra Larkins
Escrow Assistant
(208) 442-4814
Sara Stringham
Escrow Assistant
(208) 938-8075
Sarah Varga
Escrow Assistant
(208) 665-2220
Scott Miller
I.T. Director
(208) 373-3760
Shannon Snyder
Title Officer
(208) 664-8254
Shelby Hendricks
(208) 452-7500
Shelby Hinkle
Assistant Accommodator
(208) 373-3748
Shellie Allen
Vice President & Escrow Manager
(208) 373-3611
Shelly Pereira
Commercial Title Officer
(208) 373-3641
Sheri Jensen
(208) 664-8254
Sherri Darling
Accounts Receivable Supervisor
(208) 373-3761
Stacey Irish
Escrow Officer
(208) 442-4811
Stacie Shouse
Director - Business Development
(208) 233-9595
Stacy M. Kono
Escrow Supervisor & Sr. Escrow Officer
(800) 838-9595
Stefanie Polatis
Title Assistant
(208) 459-1651
Stephanie Lee
Title Officer
(208) 459-1651
Stephon Harris
Escrow Assistant
(208) 888-7230
Steve Angiolini
Assistant Canyon County Manager
(208) 867-2054
Steve Vogt
(208) 466-6100
Sundi Archibald
Title Officer
(208) 233-9595
Susan Aldridge
Title Assistant
(509) 725-3161
Susan Broadhurst
Customer Service
(208) 664-8254
Tabatha Hayes
Business Development Representative
(208) 726-6954
Tamara Schofield
Title Officer
(208) 373-3618
Tammy Kratzberg
Escrow Officer / Escrow Manager
(208) 455-7306
Tammy Shields
Land Development Services - Supervisor
(208) 467-0135
Tavia Steiner
Jr. Commercial Title Officer
(208) 377-2700
Tawnie Kent
National Order Desk Assistant
(208) 373-3658
Taybree Cadway
Escrow Assistant
(208) 233-9595
Ted Kirkhart
Branch Manager/Senior Escrow Officer
(208) 938-7480
Teresa Flores
Trust Account Administrator
(208) 373-3608
Teresa Wagoner
Escrow Officer
(208) 542-0040
Teri Cox
Escrow Assistant
(208) 442-4819
Terra Coley
Jr. Title Officer
(208) 373-3619
Theresa Williams
Business Development Representative
(208) 819-2291
Thomas Benz
Title Officer
(208) 665-2229
Tiffany Beaux
Business Development Representative
(208) 781-2129
Tim Allred
Title Assistant
(208) 542-0040
Tim Vogt
Title Administrative Assistant
(208) 467-0113
Todd Cumming
Title Officer
(509) 725-3161
Tonya Fillmore
Escrow Officer / Branch Manager
(208) 452-7500
Tracey Bagley
Escrow Officer
(208) 888-7230
Tyler Gunstream
Title Officer (Owyhee & Blaine County)
(208) 467-0117
Valerie Hanson
Title Assistant
(208) 664-8254
Vicki Hunsperger
Escrow Officer
(208) 455-7305
Wendi Pacheco
Disbursement Clerk
(208) 665-2203
Wendy Powell
Escrow Assistant
(208) 373-3741
Yvonne Reppe
Vice President & County Manager, LPO
(509) 725-3161